Wednesday 28 October 2015

Group Video - The best and worst pick up lines

As our last blog post we put together a video showcasing some of the best and worst pick up lines we have come across on the internet.  Each member of the group chose their own lines to read and took turns filming each other. Emma then did the editing to put the movie together.  Hope you enjoy :) 

ISYS100 - The Best and Worst Pick up Lines

Wednesday 14 October 2015

The Top 10 Dating Blogs You Should Be Reading

The Top 10 Dating Blogs You Should Be Reading

We may think we bring you the very best in online dating blogging entertainment however we have got some fierce competitors on our hands!  We aim to inform you of the Do's and Don'ts of everything online dating related however below is a list of the top 10 blogs we feel should be "supplementary" to our amazing advice ;) 

  1. Nerve's Dating Confessions
  2. Advice From A Single Dating Expert 
  3. Online Dating Insider
  4. Sex Lies and Dating in the City
  5. Kiss and Blog
  6. Geeks Dream Girl
  7. OkTrends
  8. Online Personal Watch
  9. Single Steve
  10. The Urban Dater

-- Emma

10 Ways How to Avoid being Catfished!

10 Ways How to Avoid being Catfished!  

As stated in our previous post, Catfishing is a very real phenomenon in our technological society.  Here are 10 ways in which you can protect yourself from falling victim to being catfished. 

  1. Beware if someone tries to contact you out of the blue 
  2. Never give away any personal information 
  3. Stick to higher quality dating sites 
  4. Don't ever give anyone money over the internet.... EVER 
  5. Stay in control, do not let them pressure you into doing something you are not comfortable with 
  6. Ask for proof of who they really are 
  7. Set expectations for your relationship
  8. Date people that you can meet 
  9. Use video chat services 

Below is a link to Dr. Phil's in-depth tips and tricks to avoid falling for catfishing schemes

-- Emma 

"Catfishing" - The Dark Side to Online Dating

"Catfishing" - The Dark Side to Online Dating

Unfortunately, even without the invention of online dating, "catfishing" has been around as long as when the internet was invented.  Urban dictionary defines cat fishing as: "The phenomenon of internet predators that fabricate online identities and entire social circles to trick people into emotional/romantic relationships (over a long period of time)."  This meaning people who create false identities to gain attributes or materialistic items for themselves at the expense of another.  The term catfish was created after the award winning American documentary "Catfish" was released in 2010.

Why people catfish can have many different reasons.  Some of these include: 

1. The Revenge Catfish - often someone out for specific revenge on another individual who they have felt wronged them in some way. 

2. The Bored Catfish - more often or not this person has selected you at random because they are addicted to the internet, have way to much time on their hands or the idea of messing with you just sounds like fun. 

3. The Secretly-In-Love-With-You Catfish - this person has an unrequited crush on you and for whatever reason feels he or she is not adequate enough for you in the real world. 

4. The Scary Catfish - this catfish is just blatant evil out to break hearts and cause chaos. 

5. The Lonely Catfish - this catfish usually has a great sob story or never ending problem that they love talking to you about.  This is one of the hardest catfish to deal with as you become the reason they "keep going in this world".  

Unfortunately, in a virtual world where people can be anyone they desire to be, cat fishing is a very real phenomenon in this day and age.  A later post will discuss how to protect yourself from these kind of people. Below is the trailer for the hit documentary "Catfish" released in 2010. 

-- Emma 

How to Select the Perfect Profile Photo

How to Select the Perfect Profile Photos

With the introduction of such online dating apps e.g. Tinder, we have seen levels of vanity excel into the stratosphere!! For many people, swiping right or left or clicking yes or no is all about convenience, speed and physical appearance.  Now, this is not to say we condone this kind of behaviour.... but if one was to conduct themselves in such a manner here are the do's and don'ts of online dating profile pictures...  

The Fam Man  

One family picture does not go a stray.  It is often perceived that people who value family are often more steadfast than those who share the idea that they are just people they happen to be related to.  This being said.. when every.single.picture. (and we are talking 10+) is of the fam at the beach, the fam at the park, the fam at cousin Nick's funeral..... we are starting to think that the fam are all this person has got.  

The Selfie 

Guys love a good selfie! And we understand this.  A girl wants nothing more than to see her preferred match seeing her in what she thinks is the BEST LIGHT EVER! However girls, one too many selfies can often imply you are a one woman show with not a lot of friends to hook up with his friends.  Guys... if you have to many selfies.... well then the population believes you are a world class douche and are 9 times out of 10 not the most popular man in the room. 

The Gym Junkie 

This is a real fence sitter.  On one hand we have people who love seeing others having an active and healthy lifestyle whilst slyly having a perv on those abs and bums .... HELLO!  However, one to many gym photos can often lead to the presumption that you live in the gym! If you were to date this person, you can expect low calorie meals, debates over which diet works best, how they are constantly striving for greatness i.e. always lifting the heaviest in the gym and of corse GYM DATES.  On the other hand, we have the rise of the "dad bod". An ever growing trend seeing more and more singles relate to these body types as they are comfortable with who they are and seemingly less intense and intimidating.  Either or, one shirtless pic is enough. 

The Landscape Guru 

Ahhh the landscape shot.  Usually of Sydney's iconic views and attractions, always with a slight haze effect to bring out the mystery in ones self.   Here's the facts... if you have nothing but landscapes of beaches, cliffs, restaurants, forests and anything to do with the twilight hour...... we are mostly going to presume you are a 80 year old creep on the other side of this computer. 

The Party Presenter 

All your photos consist of you and your friends either about to get drunk, drunk, or still drinking the next day.  People love to know other individuals are all up for a fun time when its necessary, however if all they can see is you with different groups of people every other weekend not knowing which way is left.... chances are your matches will decrease as quickly as your drunk high does. 

All in all, the have the best pictures on your online dating app, maybe try one from each category listed above.  Below is a link to some cheeky lads trying to spruce up their tinder profiles in the most classic way possible... What do you think? Success or Mess?


How to date Long distanced in Online ???

Now you are online dating and have known each other for a while, but a problem arises. You two are in a long term relationship and can't meet each other. Different country, different time zones. Dating in long distanced relationship can be tough, when you know that the other one isn't as close to you as you think. It isn't always easy to make a call, send a text or spend time and clearing any misunderstanding soon if you have different time zones and all.  Here are some tips for dating even when you are separated by long distance:
1. Considering time zones.
2. Avoid misinterpreting texts.
3. Contact frequently each other.
4. Send small gifts to appreciate each other.
5. Learn more about each other.

Time difference can be really a pain but you have to understand that it isn't anyone's fault. As you two love each other you can overcome this obstacles and keep your fire burning in your relationship :)

Lamia Rahman...

Top 5 rules to get the ideal partner by Online dating...

As Online dating site is getting more and more gamers who play online dating but there are fraud and negative stories too. Some people have heart breaks more than relationships because of the other side of online dating. Based on personality, many people only use online dating as fun lying to other people which impacts a bad effect to the oppose one. There are top 5 rules to get the ideal partner by Online dating without having heartbreak and all.

1) Make a wishlist of your characteristics marking priorities.
2) Use suggestive sites like to get more general options.
3) Create a curiosity gap for Picking up Interest.
4) Use optimistic language.
5) Be selective and choosy.

It's your life. If people say you are being picky don't hear them. As you are gonna spend your life with that one you need to be more choosy as possible and never forget your standard. Be yourself in online dating. Sticking to your self can get you the one who you are looking for.

Lamia Rahman...

5 keys for a successful online dating...

As nowadays online dating is becoming so much popular as for many singles out there.. Often they think how can they be successful at online dating. As survey goes around Australians, we see 75% Australians know people who have known their partners by online dating and 30% of them have tried online dating to get dates and partners. So as I think there are 5 keys for a successful online dating:

1. Make your profile stand out.
2. Always have good recent pictures.
3. Make your first impression interested and pointy.
4. Be honest and speak positively.
5. Patience is a virtue.

These 5 keys can make your online dating much more successful. As most of the people go by first impressions and photos so your profile type and pictures matter a lot. And after that your attitude and your personality should be as you are. And never forget patience in online dating is something you should never forget. So take a deep breathe and have fun :)

Lamia Rahman...

Top 5 things not to discuss on THE FIRST DATE 

OKAY.. You are now online dating.. and you think you are ready for next step.. Meeting each other for the first time..  But hold on.. Be prepare yourself and think about it.. You have known a person for a while.. You need to prepare your first day without ruining any precious moment.. Just avoiding some topics can make your first day memorable.

5 things not to discuss on THE FIRST DATE
1. Your Ex's.
2. Your Income.
3. Your horror dating experiences.
4. What does Commitment mean to you?
5. Legal issues.

Though there are some topics most of the people tend to make, but hold on, you have been known each other by online dating which is a virtual life opposite of the reality. Just have fun and keep yourself stressed out on the first date. Avoiding any negativity.

Lamia Rahman...

Tuesday 13 October 2015

5 Tell-tale Signs of Jealous

Jealousy and Relationship...

Depending on a personality type, nowadays many people suffer from jealousy through online dating. Yeah. A little bit jealousy in any relationship is good, but if its crosses a limit, it does more harm than good. It's an emotion that can frighten your partner consuming you to question and follow up your partner, stop socializing and create unnecessary arguments. 

Here are 5 tell-tale signs that jealousy is a problem for most of the people..
1) You constantly interrogate your partner.
2) Trust issues and insecurities.
3) Stopping your partner from socializing. 
4) Obsessing about whereabouts of your partner all the time.
5) Questioning about every single issues.

If these relates like to you, don't bother to go on a relationship. Because nowadays people are more free and independent. They will back off from you and enjoy their own freedom. Because love doesn't work like that. 

By Lamia Rahman.

Sunday 11 October 2015

The 12 Types of Guys You Will Meet Online

As we all know, online dating can be a minefield.  More than often it get's confusing, messy and ends up being more of a chore than pleasure.  Here is a guide to all the single ladies out there trying to give it their best shot!!

The Addict

He lives online.  Online dating is a real job to him, he's either recently divorced or eternally single.  He has so many different dating profiles he's like a kid in a candy store.

The Desperado

He's woken up and hit the big 4-0 or realised that he is the last one out of his friends still single.  He is ready to commit whole heartdly to a steady relationship... the problem is he doesn't care who he commits too. 

The Professional 

His photos are all professionally styled with a hazy, mysterious glow to them.  His profile literally reads like a CV and he is about as much fun as door mat.  Again, online dating is a full time job. 

The Comedian 

"My friends tell me I'm really funny"....... "I just want to make you laugh"....... "I'm a bit of a joker"



The Long Distancer 

"Wow we have so much in common!! I would love to see you.  I live in Alaska but I come to Australia once every 2 years."


The Fast Mover 

AKA the sex pest.  This guy isn't interested enough to read profiles.  Instead he will just drop sly sexual innuendos into conversations and hope for the best.  If your not playing along within the first 15mins... he's out. 
Is looking to meet.... Anyone with a pulse. 

The Blatant Liar 

He is 6 inches shorted and 6 inches wider.  He does not make 100k a year (although anyone who did would not be telling you on their profile) and he did not just get back from a trip in the Maldives.  This man is all talk.  Fortunately the blatant liar never actually wants to meet you. So fear not ladies, you will not be let down when you go to meet your Channing Tatum who turns out to be Ned from Kmart. 

The Houdini 

"I feel like we have such a strong connection!"  The intense messages, that ooze the poetic language of a modern day Shakespeare.  But then he logs off in 4 months and is never to be heard from again. 

The Doting Father/Godfather/Uncle 

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against a man who loves his children... But online dating is not the place for photos upon photos upon photos children and dogs and landscapes and that cute little turtle he found at the beach last week. 

The Wanker 

"If you don't have a dream, then how will you ever achieve your goal?"..... "Live, life, love"..... "One door shuts and another opens"..... "You'll never know what your looking for until you take that leap of faith and start searching"......... 


The Reluctant Romancer 

He is never on online dating sites.  He thinks it's all rubish.  His friends just convinced him to give it a go.  But he thinks is all just a joke.  And he can't believe how a beautiful girl like you needs a site like this. 

The Normal Bloke 

Despite the above list... Ladies they do exist! 


The 5 Different Types of Online Dating Services

As stated in one of our previous blog posts, online dating services are a multi-million dollar industry that is growing at exponential rates.  The increased user accessibility and convenience is seeing more and more people joining and contributing to these services from the comfort of their own homes.  Below is a list of the 5 different types of online dating services that currently exist to help you decide which of category suits your relationships expectations and needs accordingly...

1. General Online Dating Services

General online dating services encompasses the bulk of the marketplace and market share.  These services provide users with instant and full access to all databases on their sites.  Once you have filled in your personal details, you can instantly browse these sites for every member that has joined.  Some sites offer tests, quizzes or opinion poles to narrow down like-minded people, however always offer the option to expand your search.  Sites include and 

2. Relationship Services 

These services are aimed at "married minded" people.  These sites advertise for individuals who are looking for that special soulmate.  They will ask you to fill out in depth personal information and interests, which can take anywhere between 30-90mins, and then use these answers to find other singles who share your personal traits and qualities.  The difference to general online dating services is that you do not have access to all members on the site, only people you have high compatibility rates with.  Sites such as these include and 

3. Social Networking Sites 

Social networking sites allow user to reconnect with old friends whilst also making new ones.  The advantage of social networking sites is they are free.  They also provide a different way to analyse other members as you are able to see a range of different photos and videos as well as how they interact and treat their friends. Sites include and

4. Niche Online Dating Services 

These are popping up all over the internet like crazy! Niche online dating services share one common denominator between it's members.  These services provide people with very passionate hobbies or interests to interact with similar individuals.  Sites include which connects people who love Star Trek and who connect people who are catholic. 

5. Merging Online Dating Services 

This is the newest type of online dating services. They aim to merge aspects of the offline and online dating environment.  For example two new services, (Peek a Bio and Chick n Chit) Allow you to put a profile on their website then print cards with your name and the site URL.  When you run into someone interesting you can give them one of these cards so that they can learn more about you online and contact you through the service. 

If you think you have made a decision on what type of online dating services suit your needs, here is a link to the 2015 Best Dating Sites Ranking by Best Aussie Dating to help you begin your search!! 

List of Online Dating Sites in Australia

Saturday 10 October 2015

Online Dating In Australia

Millions of Australians are looking for love online, with one of the biggest names in internet dating about to crack 2.5 million Aussie members.
But a growing number of potential daters are also reaching for their phones — not to call a date but to make a match through one of a rising number of dating apps.
The Australian online dating scene has now grown into a $108 million industry, according to an IBISWorld report. It is predicted that the industry will break the $130 million barrier in four years.
But online dating is also undergoing change as its users move from the big screen on their desks to the small screen in their pockets.
Blue Label Life relationship expert and matchmaker Samantha Jayne says dating apps are getting a lot of attention in Australia following Tinder’s September launch.
Dating apps make sense because people are time-poor and don’t really read through a profile unless they like the person’s photo.
If that photo is terrible, they move on.
Dating apps not only address time-poor users, but also take advantage of social networks to suggest connections and of GPS data to recommend nearby suitors.
Tinder, an app from the owner of, is one of the new breed. It lets users sign in with Facebook credentials and pulls photos from their profile. Users are shown photos of potential dates and asked to swipe left to reject them or right to chat.Worldwide, the app makes two million matches daily.

Below is the statistics taken in June 2014 of Online Dating services in Australia. 

Group Introduction

My name is Emma Skrabanich. I am born and bread right here in Australia. For me the dating world is forever changing and evolving! I feel like finding that special someone has dramatically changed even in the last 5 years. I look back on my time in high school and what was socially accepted in the world between 2006-2011 and the comparison to how we interact with one another is something from another world now in 2015. Maybe I am being a little bit dramatic here.... but i think as technology constantly evolves the rise of online dating and fall of chivalry is all relative to one another.

My name is Lamia Rahman. I was born in Bangladesh, but recently moved to Sydney, Australia due to study and all that. for me blogging and stuff are like some things which I want to share with people about how I feel. And online dating is another part of it. Enjoyment is the key of life and nowadays online dating seems to be that option for many people. Over the years its becoming much more than that. Being the important part of many people's lives.

I'm Elliot, i was born in China and i'm now studying in Sydney. For me, online dating is kind of like farting in public. Most people won't admit it, but plenty of them do it. Unlike farting in public, though, online dating's stigma is quickly going away. If you ask around, you'll be surprised how many people you know are doing it. It's not just internet-addicted geeks.

Online Dating Ain't Only Mean Finding Someone to Love

Online dating doesn't always mean looking for 'Someone'

Nowadays I think online dating isn't always about finding someone to love or that. But more importantly friendship. Many people uses online dating sites as a basis for finding friendships among their tastes and likes. Sometimes it happens more than that and they take the steps further by meeting in real life. Some people find a life partner through it but mostly doesn't as it has its own realities too. For many singles out there, the choice of online dating is that its easy to make as sometimes in real life dating often means 'no dating' at all. For me, enjoyment is the key. And its for other people too. They basically find online dating stuff fun and they understand it's all about expectations and attitude based upon them.
By Lamia Rahman...

Friday 9 October 2015

Virtual Dating

What is virtual dating? Virtual dating combines online dating with online gaming. Virtual dating involves the use of avatars for people to interact in a virtual venue that resembles a real life dating environment. For example, individuals can meet and chat in a romantic virtual cafe in Paris or on a Caribbean resort. They can explore together, play games and take relationship quizzes to get a better, deeper understanding of each other. While online dating sites allows members to search on attributes such as education and income, virtual dating allows users to explore compatibility, sense of humor and rapport. Virtual dating sites include Weopia and Omnidate.
According to Scientific American, virtual dating is "the next step in online dating" (Feb/March 2007, p. 35).A Time Magazine article entitled "Internet Dating 2.0" was published on January 19, 2007, citing current and upcoming technologies and explains how people can now connect in a virtual dating environment. Time describes how websites are allowing people to meet for an avatar based, graphically enabled virtual date without leaving their homes.Researchers at MIT and Harvard have found that "people who had had a chance to interact with each other (by computer only) on a virtual tour of a museum subsequently had more successful face-to-face meetings than people who had viewed only profiles".These three-dimensional experience has reported more registrations from women than men. One explanation for this phenomenon is that virtual dating allows women to have complete control over who they select and how they interact. Virtual dating also eliminates large amounts of emails in women's inboxes and allows women to enjoy a friendly dating option.

Taken and edited from
Video taken from
--Xuankun Qiu

Thursday 8 October 2015

Is Online Dating Worth It?

Are people really doing this?

When it comes to the internet, there’s not much people aren’t doing. The question is whether the people doing it are the ones you’d want to date. And you’d be surprised.
Online dating is kind of like farting in public. Most people won’t admit it, but plenty of them do it. Unlike farting in public, though, online dating’s stigma is quickly going away. If you ask around, you’ll be surprised how many people you know are doing it. It’s not just internet-addicted geeks (myself notwithstanding).

Isn’t online dating unsafe?

Sure, meeting strangers can be unsafe. But consider this: meeting someone online, especially after you have a chance to vet them, is no less safe than meeting someone at a bar or a club. In fact, unless you have a buddy system with Batman, it’s probably safer.
That said, it’s only safer if you take the necessary precautions: don’t post personally identifiable information (like your phone number or address) on your profile, and only give it out after you’ve messaged with someone enough to feel comfortable giving it out. Schedule your date for a public place, let someone know where you are and so on. 

Doesn’t everybody just lie online?

Slow down, Dr House. Sure, this person adds a few inches to his height, that person hides a few inches from their waistline, and you get a big surprise when you meet in person. But that guy you met at the bar lied about being married too. People don’t lie because it’s the internet. People lie because sometimes people are dumb.
Fortunately, not everyone does it. Plenty of people realise that it’s better to be honest, lest they lose points as soon as they walk in the room. You’ll have to deal with a few liars, but you’ll quickly learn to read between the lines. (By the way, it should go without saying, but this goes both ways: don’t lie on your profile either.)

At what point should we meet in real life?

Meeting in person varies from site to site, and from person to person — but err on the side of early. This isn’t an online forum for endless chatting. It’s a dating site, so once you’ve established that you’re both interested, ask them out on a date! If you wait too long, they may think you aren’t interested in and move on.

Tell it to me straight: Does online dating actually work?

Honestly? I don’t know if it will work for you. That’s a crap answer, but it’s the only answer I have. Sorry.
Like I said, I know other people who are success stories, and other people who gave up (or have been on for years with no success). Online dating’s usefulness is dependent upon a lot of factors — your location, your age, your personality type, what you’re looking for, and so on. It’s easier in densely populated areas than in rural areas, for example.
I said this earlier, but choosing the right site can go a long way. If you’re a bit older and looking for people your age, you aren’t going to have luck on Check out the demographics of different sites to see which one is ideal for you.
I can’t tell you whether online dating will work for you — but I can say, with certainty, that you won’t know until you give it a shot. Just relax and enjoy it — you may not meet your future spouse, but you’ll almost definitely meet cool people and have fun.

Taken and edited from

-- Xuankun Qiu