Wednesday 28 October 2015

Group Video - The best and worst pick up lines

As our last blog post we put together a video showcasing some of the best and worst pick up lines we have come across on the internet.  Each member of the group chose their own lines to read and took turns filming each other. Emma then did the editing to put the movie together.  Hope you enjoy :) 

ISYS100 - The Best and Worst Pick up Lines

Wednesday 14 October 2015

The Top 10 Dating Blogs You Should Be Reading

The Top 10 Dating Blogs You Should Be Reading

We may think we bring you the very best in online dating blogging entertainment however we have got some fierce competitors on our hands!  We aim to inform you of the Do's and Don'ts of everything online dating related however below is a list of the top 10 blogs we feel should be "supplementary" to our amazing advice ;) 

  1. Nerve's Dating Confessions
  2. Advice From A Single Dating Expert 
  3. Online Dating Insider
  4. Sex Lies and Dating in the City
  5. Kiss and Blog
  6. Geeks Dream Girl
  7. OkTrends
  8. Online Personal Watch
  9. Single Steve
  10. The Urban Dater

-- Emma

10 Ways How to Avoid being Catfished!

10 Ways How to Avoid being Catfished!  

As stated in our previous post, Catfishing is a very real phenomenon in our technological society.  Here are 10 ways in which you can protect yourself from falling victim to being catfished. 

  1. Beware if someone tries to contact you out of the blue 
  2. Never give away any personal information 
  3. Stick to higher quality dating sites 
  4. Don't ever give anyone money over the internet.... EVER 
  5. Stay in control, do not let them pressure you into doing something you are not comfortable with 
  6. Ask for proof of who they really are 
  7. Set expectations for your relationship
  8. Date people that you can meet 
  9. Use video chat services 

Below is a link to Dr. Phil's in-depth tips and tricks to avoid falling for catfishing schemes

-- Emma 

"Catfishing" - The Dark Side to Online Dating

"Catfishing" - The Dark Side to Online Dating

Unfortunately, even without the invention of online dating, "catfishing" has been around as long as when the internet was invented.  Urban dictionary defines cat fishing as: "The phenomenon of internet predators that fabricate online identities and entire social circles to trick people into emotional/romantic relationships (over a long period of time)."  This meaning people who create false identities to gain attributes or materialistic items for themselves at the expense of another.  The term catfish was created after the award winning American documentary "Catfish" was released in 2010.

Why people catfish can have many different reasons.  Some of these include: 

1. The Revenge Catfish - often someone out for specific revenge on another individual who they have felt wronged them in some way. 

2. The Bored Catfish - more often or not this person has selected you at random because they are addicted to the internet, have way to much time on their hands or the idea of messing with you just sounds like fun. 

3. The Secretly-In-Love-With-You Catfish - this person has an unrequited crush on you and for whatever reason feels he or she is not adequate enough for you in the real world. 

4. The Scary Catfish - this catfish is just blatant evil out to break hearts and cause chaos. 

5. The Lonely Catfish - this catfish usually has a great sob story or never ending problem that they love talking to you about.  This is one of the hardest catfish to deal with as you become the reason they "keep going in this world".  

Unfortunately, in a virtual world where people can be anyone they desire to be, cat fishing is a very real phenomenon in this day and age.  A later post will discuss how to protect yourself from these kind of people. Below is the trailer for the hit documentary "Catfish" released in 2010. 

-- Emma 

How to Select the Perfect Profile Photo

How to Select the Perfect Profile Photos

With the introduction of such online dating apps e.g. Tinder, we have seen levels of vanity excel into the stratosphere!! For many people, swiping right or left or clicking yes or no is all about convenience, speed and physical appearance.  Now, this is not to say we condone this kind of behaviour.... but if one was to conduct themselves in such a manner here are the do's and don'ts of online dating profile pictures...  

The Fam Man  

One family picture does not go a stray.  It is often perceived that people who value family are often more steadfast than those who share the idea that they are just people they happen to be related to.  This being said.. when every.single.picture. (and we are talking 10+) is of the fam at the beach, the fam at the park, the fam at cousin Nick's funeral..... we are starting to think that the fam are all this person has got.  

The Selfie 

Guys love a good selfie! And we understand this.  A girl wants nothing more than to see her preferred match seeing her in what she thinks is the BEST LIGHT EVER! However girls, one too many selfies can often imply you are a one woman show with not a lot of friends to hook up with his friends.  Guys... if you have to many selfies.... well then the population believes you are a world class douche and are 9 times out of 10 not the most popular man in the room. 

The Gym Junkie 

This is a real fence sitter.  On one hand we have people who love seeing others having an active and healthy lifestyle whilst slyly having a perv on those abs and bums .... HELLO!  However, one to many gym photos can often lead to the presumption that you live in the gym! If you were to date this person, you can expect low calorie meals, debates over which diet works best, how they are constantly striving for greatness i.e. always lifting the heaviest in the gym and of corse GYM DATES.  On the other hand, we have the rise of the "dad bod". An ever growing trend seeing more and more singles relate to these body types as they are comfortable with who they are and seemingly less intense and intimidating.  Either or, one shirtless pic is enough. 

The Landscape Guru 

Ahhh the landscape shot.  Usually of Sydney's iconic views and attractions, always with a slight haze effect to bring out the mystery in ones self.   Here's the facts... if you have nothing but landscapes of beaches, cliffs, restaurants, forests and anything to do with the twilight hour...... we are mostly going to presume you are a 80 year old creep on the other side of this computer. 

The Party Presenter 

All your photos consist of you and your friends either about to get drunk, drunk, or still drinking the next day.  People love to know other individuals are all up for a fun time when its necessary, however if all they can see is you with different groups of people every other weekend not knowing which way is left.... chances are your matches will decrease as quickly as your drunk high does. 

All in all, the have the best pictures on your online dating app, maybe try one from each category listed above.  Below is a link to some cheeky lads trying to spruce up their tinder profiles in the most classic way possible... What do you think? Success or Mess?


How to date Long distanced in Online ???

Now you are online dating and have known each other for a while, but a problem arises. You two are in a long term relationship and can't meet each other. Different country, different time zones. Dating in long distanced relationship can be tough, when you know that the other one isn't as close to you as you think. It isn't always easy to make a call, send a text or spend time and clearing any misunderstanding soon if you have different time zones and all.  Here are some tips for dating even when you are separated by long distance:
1. Considering time zones.
2. Avoid misinterpreting texts.
3. Contact frequently each other.
4. Send small gifts to appreciate each other.
5. Learn more about each other.

Time difference can be really a pain but you have to understand that it isn't anyone's fault. As you two love each other you can overcome this obstacles and keep your fire burning in your relationship :)

Lamia Rahman...

Top 5 rules to get the ideal partner by Online dating...

As Online dating site is getting more and more gamers who play online dating but there are fraud and negative stories too. Some people have heart breaks more than relationships because of the other side of online dating. Based on personality, many people only use online dating as fun lying to other people which impacts a bad effect to the oppose one. There are top 5 rules to get the ideal partner by Online dating without having heartbreak and all.

1) Make a wishlist of your characteristics marking priorities.
2) Use suggestive sites like to get more general options.
3) Create a curiosity gap for Picking up Interest.
4) Use optimistic language.
5) Be selective and choosy.

It's your life. If people say you are being picky don't hear them. As you are gonna spend your life with that one you need to be more choosy as possible and never forget your standard. Be yourself in online dating. Sticking to your self can get you the one who you are looking for.

Lamia Rahman...