Use a photo
Profiles with pictures receive 16 times more responses than those without. The most successful photos are taken in daylight, using an SLR camera (not a smartphone), and show just one person, not a group. Summery photos work better than wintery shots.
Look at the camera
...but only if you're female. Women who look directly into the camera for their profile picture receive far more responses than women who look away. Interestingly, the opposite is true for men. We don't know why - could it be women prefer a more brooding, distracted man?
Include a photo of you engaged in an interesting activity
Like playing an instrument, a sport, or in an unusual location. These photos create the most conversations because they break the ice.
Include your most sociable interests in your profile
...not your solitary passions. Show someone how they can fit into your world. For example, if you love film, mention the cinema, not the fact you recently lost an entire weekend to Netflix.
Write a brief, upbeat profile
Nothing too deep or too long. Imagine you're talking to someone you've just met in a bar: how would you describe yourself and your lifestyle?
Use a photo taken with a flash
Research shows they age your face by seven years. And don’t include alcohol, group shots of friends, or a hastily photoshopped-out ex.
Use an outdated photo
Anything over 12 months old needs updating. The biggest reason first dates don't lead to second dates is "unmet expectations".
Mention your ex in your profile
It suggests you're not ready for a new relationship. If you're divorced/separated with children, use the drop-down menu to reveal that.
Write a shopping list
"I'm looking for someone who's tall, funny, intelligent, kind, loyal, romantic, sociable..." For readers, they're both dull to read and incredibly daunting. Instead, send out a request for company. "I'd love to meet someone with whom to explore far-flung places," or "Dining alone is getting dull. Join me?"
--Xuankun Qiu
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